This is where you can share cards of you characters Other sites that have cards listed below (HoneySelect character uploader) Link (Hongfire HoneySelect Character Upload Thread) Link (4Chan /h/ Threads (CTRL F Honey)) Link (4Chan /vg/ Threads (CTRL F Hentai)) Link (Booru Card Database) Link (4.3gig Illusion To add these characters into your Honey Select game make sure you have all the.

They share the same engine allowing for character cards, scenes and mods to be mostly interchangeable between them with the difference between them being gameplay.I'll show sources to mods and their downloads. I'm also helping with group plugin and mod projects together with other modders in the community like for example DeathWeasel, X and more. HONEY SELECT CHARACTER CARD CODE AND TRYĪs a member, you receive exclusive content, community access, behind-the-scenes updates, and the pride of fueling work that matters to you.